Have you heard about the recent trend of part-time work? You’ve probably come across these occupations if you’re one of the millions of individuals who go online every day looking for ways to make some additional money. A side job, often known as a side gig or side hustle, is simply additional employment that […]
Entrepreneur's Corner
Fun and Creative Jobs From Home
Working from home is a very desirable thing, especially for those who are self-employed. If you are one of the lucky ones, you may even earn enough to quit your day job and operate from your home office. If not, you will still need to secure a good work-at-home plan in order to make this […]
How to Successfully Speak in Public With These 7 Simple Techniques
Whether you are a college student or whether you are a seasoned business professional, there comes a moment in the life of every person that is necessary to speak in public. Speaking in public can include many instances… If you need to make a speech at school, make a sales pitch at work or talk […]
Becoming Your Own Boss – Some Words to The Wise
Whether you are still in college or you have just graduated, now you have to put this valuable education to good use. You Gotta Get A JOB! You can either go the route of sending out your resumes to hundreds of companies that may or may not hire you. Or you can become an entrepreneur […]
4 Simple Lessons On Achieving Success in Business
If you are still in college and learning how to have a career in the business world, at some point you will need to make some decisions on which direction you are going to make after you graduate. If you want to go directly into the game, then start sending out resumes to the corporations […]
Skills You Must Develop for Success in Business
Owning or managing a business today is a tough, grueling profession that takes no prisoners. Ever! Most days it’s like swimming in an ocean that’s filled with blood-thirsty sharks. Most college graduates aren’t prepared enough to even imagine getting a job here. However, there some students that have the mental and physical capacity, and will […]